Preprints and publications
- Classical uncertainty relations and entropy production in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics
Paolo Muratore-Ginanneschi and Luca Peliti
arXiv:2302.02890 PDF
- Risk-utility tradeoff shapes memory strategies for evolving patterns
Oskar H Schnaack, Luca Peliti, and Armita Nourmohammad
arXiv:2110.15008 PDF
- Evolution and Probability
L. Peliti
arXiv:1901.01560 PDF
Lectures on Non-Equilibrium Fluctuations
Luca Peliti. Lectures given at the workshop "Theoretical Methods for Studying Nonequilibrium Fluctuations", Orsay (France), June 8-9, 2017 PDF
Introduction to the statistical theory of Darwinian evolution
Luca Peliti. Lectures at the Summer College on Frustrated System,
Trieste, August 1997.
cond-mat/9712027, PDF.
- Statistical Mechanics in a Nutshell, Second Edition
Luca Peliti
Princeton University Press, Princeton, August 6, 2024.
Stochastic Thermodynamics: An Introduction
Luca Peliti and Simone Pigolotti
Princeton University Press 2021
ISBN: 9780691201771
A. Einstein, Scritti di meccanica statistica
A cura di M. Badino. Traduzione di L. Peliti.
Book Time, Melquiades, Bologna 2018
ISBN-10: 886218719X
- Statistical Mechanics in a Nutshell
Luca Peliti
Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2011.
Appunti di Meccanica Statistica
Luca Peliti
Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2003. Link
- Fluctuation relations and fitness in cell populations
L. Peliti, 2nd Biology for Physics Conference, Barcelona, July 7, 2022 link
- Transient compartmentalization and the error catastrophe
L. Peliti, Casa Matemática Oaxaca, August 21, 2019 link
Selection dynamics in transient compartmentalization
OIST (Okinawa), February 2018
The Value of Acquired Information in Gambling, Thermodynamics and Population Dynamics
NORDITA Stockholm, September 2017
Einstein's early work on Statistical Mechanics
Instituto de Física da UFRGS, Porto Alegre RS (Brazil) November 6, 2015
Thermodynamics of Accuracy
McGill University, Montreal, May 2016
The fate of beneficial mutations in a range
Rutgers, February 19, 2015
Boltzmann and the interpretation of
Naples, June 9, 2011
Chosen publications
- Termodinamica stocastica: l'ordine nelle fluttuazioni (in Italian)
L. Peliti,
Ithaca: Viaggio nella Scienza 23A 73-90 (2024) PDF
- Emergent cooperative behavior in transient compartments
Jeferson J. Arenzon and Luca Peliti
Phys. Rev. E 108 034409 (2023) PDF
- Cell lineage statistics with incomplete population trees
Arthur Genthon, Takashi Nozoe, Luca Peliti, David Lacoste
PRX Life 1 013014 (2023) PDF
- R. Fürth's 1933 paper "On certain relations between classical Statistics and Quantum Mechanics"
["Über einige Beziehungen zwischen klassischer Statistik und Quantenmechanik", Zeitschrift für Physik, 83 143-162]
Luca Peliti, Paolo Muratore-Ginanneschi
Eur. Phys. J. H (2023) 48:4 PDF
- Fluctuations of Heat in Driven Two-State Systems: Application to Single-Electron Box with Superconducting Gap
Tuomas Pyhäranta, Luca Peliti, Jukka P. Pekola
Phys. Rev. E 107, 054113 (2023) PDF
- Adaptive strategy in Kelly's horse races model
Armand Despons, David Lacoste, Luca Peliti
J. Stat. Mech. 2022 093405 PDF
Frequency-frequency correlations of single-trajectory spectral densities of Gaussian processes
Alessio Squarcini, Enzo Marinari, Gleb Oshanin, Luca Peliti, Lamberto Rondoni
New Journal of Physics 24 093031 (2022) PDF
- Noise-to-signal ratio of single-trajectory spectral densities in centered Gaussian processes
Alessio Squarcini, Enzo Marinari, Gleb Oshanin, Luca Peliti, Lamberto Rondoni
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55 405001 (2022) PDF
- Spectral fingerprints of non-equilibrium dynamics: The case of a Brownian gyrator
S. Cerasoli, S. Ciliberto, E. Marinari, G. Oshanin, L. Peliti, L. Rondoni
Phys. Rev. E 106, 014137 (2022) PDF
- Learning and organization of memory for evolving patterns
Oskar H Schnaack, Luca Peliti, and Armita Nourmohammad
Phys. Rev. X 12, 021063 (2022) PDF
- Il valore dell'informazione (in Italian)
L. Peliti,
Ithaca: Viaggio nella Scienza XIX 169-180 (2022) PDF
- Evoluzione e probabilità (in Italian)
L. Peliti,
Ithaca: Viaggio nella Scienza XVIII 73-84 (2021) PDF
- The generality of transient compartmentalization and its associated error thresholds
Alex Blokhuis, Philippe Nghe, Luca Peliti and David Lacoste
Journal of Theoretical Biology 487 110110 (2020)
doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2019.110110 arXiv:1901.04753
- Survival of self-replicating molecules under transient compartmentalization with natural selection
Gabin Laurent, Luca Peliti and David Lacoste
Life 2019, 9(4), 78 DOI: 10.3390/life9040078 PDF
- A case study of thermodynamic bounds for chemical kinetics
K. Proesmans, L. Peliti, and D. Lacoste
in: Katja Lindenberg, Ralf Metzler and Gleb Oshanin (Eds.)
Chemical Kinetics Beyond the Textbook (New Jersey: World Scientific, 2019)
p. 435-454 arXiv:1804.00859 PDF
- Selection dynamics in transient compartmentalization
A. Blokhuis, D. Lacoste, P. Nghe and L. Peliti, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 158101 (2018)
arXiv:1802.00208 PDF Suppl. Mat.
- Einstein's Approach to Statistical Mechanics,
Luca Peliti and Raúl Rechtman,
Atti del XXXVI Convegno annuale SISFA, S. Esposito (ed.), 339-346, Pavia: Pavia U. P. (2017)
- Einstein's Approach to Statistical Mechanics: The 1902-04 Papers,
Luca Peliti and Raúl Rechtman,
Journal of Statistical Physics, 167 1020-1038 (2017) DOI: 10.1007/s10955-016-1615-8,
- Elementary derivation of the expressions of momentum and energy in special relativity,
Luca Peliti, Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física 38(2) June 2016. arXiv:1504.07287
- Thermodynamics of accuracy in kinetic proofreading: Dissipation and efficiency trade-offs,
Riccardo Rao and Luca Peliti, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment/P06001 (2015). arXiv:1504.02494
- Studies in Composing Hydrogen Atom Wavefunctions,
Lance J. Putnam, JoAnn Kuchera-Morin, Luca Peliti,
Leonardo 48(2) 158-166, April 2015 (doi: 10.1162/LEON_a_00912). PDF
Entropy Production in Quantum Brownian Motion,
Lorenzo Pucci, Massimiliano Esposito, Luca Peliti.
J. Stat. Mech. (2013) P4005
- Heat release by controlled continuous-time Markov jump processes,
Paolo Muratore-Ginanneschi, Carlos Mejía-Monasterio and Luca Peliti, J. Stat. Phys. 150:181-203 (2013), cond-mat arXiv:1203.4062
- Comment on "Evolutionary dynamics of RNA-like replicator systems: A
bioinformatic approach to the origin of life, by Nobuto Takeuchi and Paulien
Luca Peliti, Physics of Life Reviews
- The rate of beneficial mutations surfing on the wave of a range
Rémi Lehe, Oskar Hallatschek and Luca Peliti, PLoS Comp. Biol. 8, e1002447 (2012), arXiv:q-bio.PE/1107.5439
- Efficiency of molecular machines with continuous phase space,
Natalia Golubeva, Alberto Imparato and Luca Peliti, Europhysics Letters (2012) 97 60005, arXiv:cond-mat/1202.0243
- Modeling microevolution in a changing environment: The evolving
quasispecies and the Diluted Champion Process,
Ginestra Bianconi, Davide
Fichera, Silvio Franz and Luca Peliti, J.
Stat. Mech. (2011) P08022, arxiv:q-bio.PE/1010.3539, PDF
- Membrane stress tensor in the presence of lipid density and
composition inhomogeneities,
Anne-Florence Bitbol, Luca Peliti and
Jean-Baptiste Fournier, Eur. Phys.
J. E (2011) 34: 53, arxiv:cond-mat/1010.3857, PDF
- Work distribution in manipulated single biomolecules,
A. Imparato and L. Peliti, Phys. Biol. 6, 025011
(2009). arXiv:cond-mat/0901.2666, PDF
- Comment on "Failure of the work-Hamiltonian connection
for free energy calculations",
Luca Peliti, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 098903 (2008). arXiv:cond-mat/0808.2855, PDF
- On the work-Hamiltonian connection in manipulated systems,
L. Peliti, JSTAT: Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory
and Experiment, P05002 (2008). PDF
- Work and heat probability distribution for an optically
driven Brownian particle: Theory and experiments,
A. Imparato, L. Peliti, G. Pesce, G. Rusciano, A. Sasso, Phys Rev.
E 76, 050101(R) (2007), arXiv:cond-mat/0707.0439,
- Work and heat probability distributions in out-of-equilibrium
Alberto Imparato and Luca Peliti,
C. R. Physique 8 (2007) 556-566. arXiv:cond-mat/0708.0740, PDF
- Selection and population size effects in evolutionary
Sumedha, Olivier C Martin, Luca Peliti.
JSTAT: Journal of Statistical
Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (2007),
P05011 arXiv:q-bio.PE/0610034, PDF
- The distribution function of entropy flow in stochastic systems,
Alberto Imparato and Luca Peliti.
JSTAT: Journal of Statistical
Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, L02001 (2007).
arXiv:cond-mat/0611078, PDF
- On the equipartition of energy in an ideal gas mixture,
Luca Peliti, European Journal of Physics,
28 (2007) 249-254
arXiv:physics/0610189, PDF
- Fluctuation relations for a driven Brownian particle,
A. Imparato and L. Peliti, Phys. Rev. E, 74, 026106 (2006).
arXiv:cond-mat/0603506 PDF
- Direct evaluation of large-deviation functions,
Cristian Giardinà, Jorge Kurchan, Luca Peliti.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 120603 (2006).
arXiv:cond-mat/0511248, PDF
- Evaluation of free energy landscapes from manipulation
Alberto Imparato, Luca Peliti.
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
P03005 (2006).
arXiv:cond-mat/0601552, PDF
- Work probability distribution in systems driven out of
A. Imparato, L. Peliti. Phys. Rev. E 72, 046114 (2005).
arXiv:cond-mat/0507080 PDF
- A minimal stochastic model for influenza evolution,
Francesca Tria, Michael Lässig, Luca Peliti, Silvio Franz.
JSTAT: Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and
Experiment P07008 (2005).
arXiv:q-bio.PE/0505035 PDF
- Opinion dynamics in a three-choice system,
S. Gekle, L. Peliti, S. Galam. Eur. Phys. J. B. 45, 569-575
(2005). arXiv:cond-mat/0504254
- Work distribution and path integrals in general mean-field
A. Imparato, L. Peliti. Europhysics Letters 70, 740-746 (2005).
- Work probability distribution in single-molecule
A. Imparato, L. Peliti. Europhysics Letters,
69, 643-650 (2005). cond-mat/0411654 PDF
- Kinetic barriers in RNA unzipping,
A. Imparato, L. Peliti. Eur. Phys. J. B., 39, 357-363
- Kafri, Mukamel and Peliti Reply,
Y. Kafri, D. Mukamel, L. Peliti,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 159802-1 (2003).
cond-mat/0302589, PDF.
- Evolutionary games and quasispecies,
M. Lässig, L. Peliti, F. Tria,
Europhys. Lett. 62, 446-451 (2003).
- Denaturation and unzipping of DNA: Statistical
mechanics of interacting loops,
Y. Kafri, D. Mukamel, L. Peliti,
Physica A, 306, 39-50 (2002). PDF.
- Melting and unzipping of DNA,
Y. Kafri, D. Mukamel, L. Peliti,
Eur. Phys. J. B, 27, 135-146 (2002).
cond-mat/0108323, PDF.
- Quasispecies evolution in general mean-field landscapes,
L. Peliti,
Europhys. Lett., 57, 745-751 (2002).
cond-mat/0105379, PDF
- Detachment of molecular motors under tangential loading,
A. Parmeggiani, F. Jülicher, L. Peliti, J. Prost,
Europhys. Lett., 56, 603-609 (2001).
- Effective area-elasticity and tension of micro-manipulated membranes,
J.-B. Fournier, A. Ajdari, and L. Peliti,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 4970-4973 (2001).
Why is the DNA denaturation transition first order?
Y. Kafri, D. Mukamel, and L. Peliti,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 4988-4991 (2000). cond-mat/0007141, PDF.
Measuring effective temperatures in out-of-equilibrium driven systems,
R. Exartier, L. Peliti,
Eur. Phys. J. B 16, 119-126 (2000). cond-mat/9910412, PDF
Universal and nonuniversal properties of a lattice gas model with
kinetic constraints,
A. Imparato, L. Peliti, Physics Letters
A 269, 154-157 (2000). PDF
The response of glassy systems to random perturbations: A bridge between
equilibrium and off-equilibrium,
Silvio Franz, Marc Mézard, Giorgio Parisi, Luca Peliti,
J. Stat. Phys., 97, 459-488 (1999).
A simple system with two temperatures,
Raphaël Exartier, Luca Peliti, Physics Letters, A 261 94-97 (1999).
Effective field approach to the Ising film in a transverse field,
Luca Peliti, Mohammed Saber, Physica A, 262 505-517 (1999).
A solvable model of the evolutionary loop,
Luca Peliti,
Europhys. Lett., 44 546-551 (1998).
Paired defects of Nematic Surfactant Bilayers,
J.-B. Fournier, L. Peliti, Phys. Rev. E (Rapid Comm.), 58
R6919-R6922 (1998). cond-mat/9806212,
Aging in a simple model of a structural glass,
Luca Peliti, Mauro Sellitto, Contribution to the International Conference
on "Disorder and Chaos"
in honor of Giovanni Paladin, Rome, September 1997,
Phys. IV France 8 Pr6-49-56 (1998). cond-mat/9712221,
Measuring equilibrium properties in aging systems,
Silvio Franz, Marc Mézard, Giorgio Parisi, Luca Peliti,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 1758-1761 (1998).
Aging in Lattice-Gas Models with Constrained Dynamics,
J. Kurchan, L. Peliti, M. Sellitto, Europhys. Lett.39 365-370
(1997). cond-mat/9704140,
Error Threshold in Simple Landscapes,
S. Franz, L. Peliti, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 30 4481-4487
(1997). cond-mat/9610028,
Dynamics of Particles and Manifolds in Random Force Fields,
P. Le Doussal, L. F. Cugliandolo, L. Peliti,
Europhys. Lett.
39 111-116 (1997). cond-mat/9612079, PDF.
Energy Flow, Partial Equilibration, and Effective Temperatures in Systems
with Slow Dynamics,
L. F. Cugliandolo, J. Kurchan, L. Peliti, Phys. Rev. E55
3898-3914 (1997). cond-mat/9611044, PDF.
Shapes and Fluctuations in Membranes,
L. Peliti, in: Physics of Biological Systems, From Molecules to
H. Flyvbjerg, J. Hertz, M. H. Jensen, O. G. Mouritsen, K. Sneppen
(Eds.) (Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1997) 171-188.
Glassy Behavior in Disordered Systems with Non-Relaxational Dynamics,
L. F. Cugliandolo, J. Kurchan, P. Le Doussal, L. Peliti, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 78 350-354 (1997). cond-mat/9606060, PDF.
Fitness Landscapes and Evolution,
L. Peliti, in: Physics of Biomaterials: Fluctuations, Self-Assembly
and Evolution,
T. Riste and D. Sherrington, (Eds.) (Dordrecht: Kluwer,
1996) 287-308. cond-mat/9505003, PDF.
Amphiphilic Membranes,
L. Peliti, in: Fluctuating Geometries in Statistical Mechanics and
Field Theory,
F. David, P. Ginsparg, J. Zinn-Justin, (Eds.) Les Houches,
Session LXII, 1994 (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1996) 195-285.
Evolution in a flat fitness landscape,
B. Derrida and L. Peliti, Bull. Math. Biol. 53, 355-382
Population dynamics in a spin-glass model of chemical evolution,
C. Amitrano, L. Peliti, M. Saber, J. Mol. Evol. 29,
513-525 (1989). PDF.
Path integral approach to birth-death processes on a lattice,
L. Peliti, J. Physique 46, 1469-1483
Field-theory renormalixation and critical dynamics above Tc: Helium, antiferromagnets, and liquid-gas systems,
C. De Dominicis and L. Peliti, Phys. Rev. B 18, 353-376
Variational principles, renormalization group, and Kadanoff's universality,
C. Di Castro, G. Jona-Lasinio, and L. Peliti, Ann. Phys. (NY) 87, 327-353 (1974).
Calculation of critical indices,
G. Parisi and L. Peliti, Lett. N. Cim. 2, 627-628